Event box

Want to read ebooks or listen to audiobooks through our library? Do you already use OverDrive/Libby and have questions? This workshop will cover OverDrive and its affiliated app*, Libby. All S&T students, faculty, and staff welcome.

*In 2022, OverDrive will be sunsetting their legacy app (OverDrive) in favor of Libby. The OverDrive website will remain active, but eventually the OverDrive app will be removed from app stores. Current users of the OverDrive app are encouraged to download Libby and get started reading/listening.


Wednesday, September 22, 2021
6:00pm - 6:30pm
103 - Library Classroom
Library Workshops

If you do not receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder or quarantine report. If you have questions regarding this event, please direct them to the event organizer.

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